Yoga for all ages. It is never to late to do yoga
Pictured is a student and friend Joe. He has been doing yoga with me a little over a year. In one of the photos you see a block, roller and table and they show his progression in forward bending. He started with the table and now can use a block! How cool is that. The other photo shows how much closer to his toes he is and while that was not the goal or intention, it certainly shows what happens when you do yoga consistently. I asked Joe a series of questions about his yoga practice and the conversation is below! Joe, in my book you’re a rock star for your consistency, willingness, questioning and using what you have learned in a way that works for you and you alone! I applaud you!!
What were or are some of the challenges in yoga?
My initial challenge was appreciating the longer term benefits of yoga as I went through the process of becoming comfortable with yoga, understanding the right way to move, and the importance maintaining each pose.
Are there some things that helped you over come those challenges?
The most important thing for me was to appreciate the benefits of yoga in terms of improved balance and flexibility. Once I appreciated the benefit/improvement I had an incentive to continue and take it more seriously. It has now become part of my overall fitness regimen, along with weight training and aerobic exercise.
Have you noticed any differences in how you feel after doing yoga in the beginning vs. now?
Yes, I’ve now progressed enough (though I have miles to go!) that I feel a sense of accomplishment.
Do you feel your balance has improved?
I’m sure it has, although that’s hard to measure. I’m more conscious of my balance in everyday moves.
Are the poses feeling easier/better now that you have been doing yoga over a year?
Definitely. I think this is partially because of improved balance and agility as well as having learned some of the sequences in combining poses.
Anything else you want to mention?
I’m very glad that I’ve done this and plan to stick with it. As I age (I’m now 70plus), I increasingly recognize the challenge and importance of maintaining fitness and flexibility, both in terms of how I feel and in comparison to my contemporaries.