I read articles all the time about things yoga can and can not do for you.
I have no idea what’s true and what’s false, I leave that to each person to determine.
What I will say, for me there are lots of benefits to continue to move my body and move it in a way that is healing, therapeutic and non harming. Do I think downward facing dog and other yoga therapeutics are beneficial.. Hell to the yea! Do I know exactly what those benefits are, um nope..(well I have some ideas). I tell people all the time (most importantly I tell myself), to tune in and listen to what your body is telling you? I can only speak to what feels good in my body and share that information. I know for sure that if I don’t move and move in lots and lots of different ways to keep all the muscles, bones, joints, tendons, ligaments, and fascia all moving and gliding and happy, my body lets me know. It usually starts with some small little achy feeling and then grows into a bigger ache and then if I continue to ignore that feeling, maybe injury. Keep it all moving and happy..
Lots and lots of little movements all over your body!