Yesterday someone called me in regards to starting a yoga practice. He has never done yoga but told me he has done personal training and some basic stretching. He then brought up seeing photos of people doing crazy intense yoga poses that are all over the internet. He was actually concerned and scared of the idea that he would be asked to do those sorts of things.. I stopped him and told him that one of my pet peeves is those photos because I would say I don’t know maybe 95% of the human population would never be able to do any of those poses in any variation. We also then discussed how it could scare the average person away from ever trying yoga. This makes me sad because I truly believe there are many people who will not try yoga because they see these sorts of photos and promotions all over the place. It has become a bit of mission for me to try and make yoga a more accessible form for the people I think need it most.. People who are just looking to help some of those aches and pains that start to creep up in everyone’s body. Maybe you don’t have any aches & pains, you just want to do some gentle stretching because you feel tight.
To me yoga is about finding out what’s right for me and no one else. It changes day to day based on what I need and its not about doing tricks, its about feeling good in my body.