The photo below shows a group class doing happy baby pose. The majority of the class is over 40 and I am showing it not because it looks so cute, but because I want people to see how many different ways happy baby can look. I write and speak about how each person needs to find the correct version of any pose to fit their body, not the other way around. Yoga is not a one size fits all kind of thing and in fact I don’t believe any sport or physical activity is. I believe one of the most important things anyone can do for themselves in this situation is to figure out what the right variation is for them based on many variables.
Take a minute and slow down enough to tune into your body and figure out what you need, not the person next to you in class or your partner or teacher or anyone else, just you! Yoga is for all ages, levels of fitness and is available in private sessions and group classes.
Slow down enough to allow your muscles to relax so your body can reap the benefits of the pose.. Ahhhh feels so good when you do!