Asking questions and feeling..
When I say feeling, I mean what are you feeling in your body? Is your neck feeling a bit achy, tight hamstrings, is everything feeling fabulous?
I try to check in with myself at least once a day, I generally am doing it more because well its my job!
Based on the information my body is giving me is how I wil proceed with things I can potentially do to feel good or things to leave alone and let rest. I am so over simplifying, but for the sake of this article I want to have anyone who is reading to stop and ask yourself how is my body feeling today. What’s working, what’s not, are there things you can do, or are there things that maybe you need to rethink, or readjust, maybe just leave things alone? Asking questions is so important and for me what is becoming increasingly more important is knowing that I not only might not have the answer but that the answer changes.
So the next time your feeling achy or fabulous or tired or whatever your feeling, maybe go beyond that initial feeling and go deeper into your bodies feelings and see whats going on inside.
If you are not sure what I am talking about, here is one of many examples..
I have been refinishing a 100 yr old wood door with layer upon layer of paint. It was physically very hard work and my right arm, my legs, my back, my neck and shoulders all felt differently after a day of working on it. I would sit down with myself and feel whatever was going on and then decide if anything, what I should do. Sometimes a really good night sleep is what I needed, sometimes, I used my balls for self massage, sometimes I did some stretching and sometimes some strength. It was all about listening and asking questions to figure out what I needed. I didn’t always answer correctly by the way. Again I am asking the questions and not saying I have all the answers, but if I don’t ask the questions and try, then what?
I also believe there are several different modalities that can help, so I almost always use a combination of them.