Here’s what I think, tight muscles are injury waiting to happen if left alone.  When you do not stretch and use methods in which to release tightness all over your body and continue to use your body day in and day out in all kinds of way, tightness continues to build.  At some point, without what I view as a counter balance to continually asking your body to do all these things, it snaps..  I know in my own body that when little aches and pains arise, it’s usually tightness that needs releasing. I also know that if I don’t listen to those first signs of achiness, it gets worse and then the potential for injury gets worse.

I had a client recently say to me, he just wants to use his body and not have to think about it. This is a very honest response and I think the way the majority of people really feel and believe me I understand. If I had my way I would be sitting around eating mounds of chocolate and French fries and not doing all the maintenance on my body either. I personally love being active and using my body for all kinds of things, and if I do regular maintenance everything feels so good and then I don’t have to think about it. The irony is you don’t think about it and keep using your body, chances get stronger that you will have aches and pains and possible injuries and then all you will be doing is thinking about it. I understand we all have things we do and don’t want to do, but I know this with health care costs skyrocketing and an aging population, I feel strongly that we would benefit from a shift in perception about how to help our bodies.

There are some pretty simple things we can do, to get rid of back pain and lots of other injuries that are happening all the time. The question for each of us, is what are we willing to do to live in a body that has no aches and pains? I use a combination of modalities for overall body maintanance, of course yoga and stretching, foam rolling, the use of different size balls to self-massage, traditional massage, and a few other tricks I have up my sleeve.

Here’s hoping everyone feels great with no tight muscles!!

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