To let it be or to not let it be. Sometimes I have an achy, sore part of my body (it can be back pain, a shoulder, leg, foot) and I don’t know if I should let it be or try to move, roll, and add to the healing process. I have had a few small achy body parts and little by little I try to figure out if I can add in its healing or if leaving it alone is the thing to do. I try and figure it out by gentle starting to stretch or massage the part and then leave it alone and see if in a day or 2 it feels better. If it doesn’t then I usually try to leave it alone as much as possible. If it starts to feel better than I might slowly start to add to the stretching and massaging.
Get it, sometimes you have to let it be and sometimes you can assist in the healing. I will repeat that I start very slowly and gently in that process because the idea is to heal and feel better, not add to the achiness that is already there.