The unexpected benefit of being bad at yoga!
I saw the following article and immediately clicked on the link.. The points the author make are right up my alley in understanding its not about competing with anyone else and that includes yourself.
Any exercise you do, I think should be done for you and you alone.
I believe it should be tailored for you and what fits your body on the given day, based on any injury and many other things. I see it all the time in group classes, people trying to hard, or not pulling back due to injury or over doing it and then just keep the cycle of pain going. Conversely, I see people not doing enough based on thought process.
Its about letting go and listening to your bodies needs, not your head. I’m not saying I don’t use my head, in fact I believe it all starts in your brain. We are not separate parts, but its your thought process that will get you off the couch, or get you to the gym. Its your mind that will allow for the freedom not to compete, or look around in a class.
If you have no idea what I’m talking about, we should chat.