Is there a perfect posture?
This is a loaded question and I do not think there is one perfect posture.
Our bodies are made for a variety of choices in movement. For example, you can take your head and tilt it all the way back and then all the way forward. You can move it side to side and rotate it. Saying one of these movements is the perfect posture to me makes no sense. I want all the choices that my neck has for movement and that means moving it in all those ways. It is getting stuck in any one of these movement availabilities that get people in trouble.
The majority of people I work with look down all the time at their phones and computers. If that’s all you do, it’s going to hurt, and as a result you’re going to get stuck there. Thats when the strengthening of the muscles in the neck and shoulders give a level of support that is very helpful. There are many, many stretches that will release and keep all the movement choices in tack. The myo-fascial component can help release the tightness and muscle-connective tissue of the body. They are all important and we all need a combination of these things. The amounts and things depend on what we do with our bodies.
Things you can do,
If you’re stuck at a desk, get up move around, take some stretches. At the very least if you’re looking forward and down all the time, let your head tilt back and just sit allowing the stretch. Lean back over your chair and allow gravity to do the opposite of looking down. Another really simple stretch is taking your hands over your head, interlacing your fingers and stretching your arms, let your head move side to side as your stretching your arms over head.
I have lots and lots of things one can do to aid in posture, and it all involves moving your body!