There is no competition in yoga. For me it has become about finding what works for my body and mind on a given day.
It’s ever changing, as is my body, mood and a host of other variables. I use to go to classes and feel bad if there were poses I could not do or if I could do a pose but on that day, my body was achy or not feeling it. Why would I feel bad for taking care of myself? I think it has something to do with a competitive nature I have (and I know I ‘m not the only one). The older I get, the more I say I don’t give a shit what anyone else is doing or if the teacher suggests something I know is not going to feel good in my body. I listen to what I know is right for me on that day. I don’t want to compete with anyone else or myself. I want to be in a space that is non-judgmental, filled with compassion and kindness and no competition.
If you’re not sure what I’m talking about, ask yourself these questions? How well did you sleep last night, do you have an injury that is healing, getting over feeling sick, did not eat enough, just had a fight with your boss, friend, or someone, do you always have tight hamstrings no matter what, do you have an area in your body that can never bend a certain way, do you not have the upper body strength for something? The list of variable can go on and on, but I will stop there and hope you get the picture. Based on all these variables and my bodies ability on any given day is my guide for what I will or will not do.
Find what’s right for you, whatever that means.