I am a yoga teacher not an acrobat or contortionist.

I am a yoga teacher not an acrobat or contortionist. I have been saying this for years, in fact, I will say it proudly, I am not a contortionist, acrobat, gymnast and so on, I am none of those things. I am a yoga teacher and a yoga teacher who loves learning about anatomy, kinesiology and many other healing modalities, but I am not learning acrobatics or gymnastics. There all great, but I will repeat I Read more…

A goal in yoga?

I saw the above saying and love it so, I want to share. I believe yoga has come to mean many different things to many different people, for me there are multiple layers of what it means. I have learned to understand many different feelings in my body and what they mean. I have learned that my bodies needs are unique to me and to do what’s right for me and me alone. I have Read more…