Get Flexible at Yoga with Suzi

Ahhh, flexibility, to have it or not to have it? It is one of the number one things I hear all the time, that “I’m not flexible” so I can’t do yoga or stretch. This has always been a bit of a puzzle to me because it seems so clear  that if your not flexible at all, that’s exactly why one would do it.. Right?? I think if one is not flexible and I think Read more…

Yoga for everyone

I recently was reading an article and saw the below description about the author and thought, that’s me! Not word for word, but me none the less. I am a Bad Yogi. Actually, I am the worst yogi. I am the carnivorous, red wine- and French cheese-loving type, and in my classes you won’t hear much Sanskrit or anything about the Sutras. I make more jokes than I make references to any self-help philosophy, and Read more…