Is more better with yoga?

Sometimes I think that more is better and I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one. I was recently traveling and my body was a bit achy and sore from not moving at all. I  found the smallest amounts of gentle yoga really helped my body feel so much better after all the sitting around one does during travel. I have learned this over and over again through the years that even a few minutes of gentle stretching, yoga and a few other Read more…

Is stretching & yoga enough?

Is stretching and yoga enough? Is it enough for getting rid of tightness and achiness? I don’t think so, at least in my body it’s not. I do a combination of things to help my body feel great. I of course do yoga and stretch several times a week, almost every day I do something. Sometimes it’s 10 mins of gentle movements and it’s all lying down and other days its lots of sun salutations Read more…

Tight muscles

Here’s what I think, tight muscles are injury waiting to happen if left alone.  When you do not stretch and use methods in which to release tightness all over your body and continue to use your body day in and day out in all kinds of way, tightness continues to build.  At some point, without what I view as a counter balance to continually asking your body to do all these things, it snaps..  I Read more…