What kind of Yogi are you?

The unexpected benefit of being bad at yoga! I saw the following article and immediately clicked on the link.. The points the author make are right up my alley in understanding its not about competing with anyone else and that includes yourself. Any exercise you do, I think should be done for you and you alone. I believe it should be tailored for you and what fits your body on the given day, based on Read more…

Yoga anywhere!

I recently went away on vacation and was pretty active with my friends. I asked my friend if she wanted to do some yoga and we went by the pool and got to it. I cropped the photo as she might kick my ass if I put a photo of her in my newsletter but I assure we were both doing yoga. After traveling, sitting around and then biking, paddle boarding, swimming, taking long walks Read more…

Yoga- therapeutic movements to feel great!

I read  articles all the time about things yoga can and can not do for you. I have no idea what’s true and what’s false, I leave that to each person to determine. What I will say, for me there are lots of benefits to continue to move my body and move it in a way that is healing, therapeutic and non harming. Do I think downward facing dog and other yoga therapeutics are beneficial.. Hell to Read more…