Outer and Inner Body

Recently, I was out meeting someone for the first time and trying to make a good impression. We were talking pretty easily about things and I was enjoying our conversation and finding some interesting connections in our talks. We decided to go grab some lunch and continue our discussions. Over lunch the talking flowed and my enjoyment continued. We decided to take a walk back by the park where we initially met and as we Read more…

Feeling the inner body

Feeling the inner body by slowing down I was feeling a bit frustrated in class recently when I was trying to learn about “pathways of weight” in our arm to shoulder to collarbone. I could not feel it in our internal exploration, where I close my eyes and tune in to my body and feel whatever is going on. I have some “issues” in my right arm and shoulder area and things were feeling like there Read more…

Gentle Yoga- more is not better

A few weeks ago a student during my Gentle Yoga class was clearly having some issue, or pain, and something was going on in certain postures that were very evident to me. I quietly went over to her and asked if everything is ok. She told me that she was having some achiness in her inner thigh area. Her thought process was to try harder and do more in the pose. Pushing and pushing and Read more…