Balance with yoga

Balance… Let me start by saying, when I say “balance” I am not talking about the kind of balance you do on one foot. I’m talking about balance for all the different body parts and the ways in which they are used. This is the kind of balance I’m referring, “a state in which different things occur in equal or proper amounts or have an equal or proper amount of importance”. I am doing a Read more…

Yoga, maybe?

Yoga, Maybe, maybe, maybe… I have been saying maybe so much in my classes lately. Maybe you might like to try this, or maybe you want to sit it out, or maybe you might like to try it a different way.. I realized at the end of my 2nd year at The Breathing Project that I was saying it so much because of all that I had learned was being turned on its proverbially head. Read more…

Yoga & stretching for everyone

There is an article I just saw that talks about how people who feel they have no flexibility and are “to tight” are not able to do yoga. I will say upfront, I am going to rant a bit on this subject! If I could tell you how many people have told me that over the years, well I am not sure what, but lots and lots of people have told me this. There is no Read more…